Purpose of the Master Plan
The purpose of this state park master plan is to create a framework document for the development and operation of Mayo River State Park. This plan defines the park’s purpose, goals, and objectives, and provides direction for the construction, expansion, and operation of the park for the next 30 years. Site development plans and operational recommendations are based on market studies, public input, and a business development plan for the park.
This master plan is in accordance with §10.1-200.1 of the Code of Virginia, which requires all state parks to adopt a master plan following certain standards. These standards include input from the public and an Advisory Committee at key stages; analysis and mapping of existing physical, natural, cultural, and historical resources on site; and a phased development plan for the infrastructure, staffing, and operations of the park, as well as associated costs and operational, and maintenance needs.
Project Outcomes
The final outcome of this process will be a master plan document approved by the Virginia state legislature, which will be used to guide the development of Mayo River State Park for the following 30 years. The master plan document will include the park purpose statement and goals, a site responsive master plan layout with locations for development, a visitor experience plan, a operations and maintenance plan, a pro forma assessment, and a phased implementation plan with estimated probable construction and operational costs.
Committee and Stakeholders
Community participation and public input is an essential part of the state park master planning process. Members of the public will be able to offer input and feedback on the design and development of Mayo River State Park at key stages in the process through in-person and virtual meetings, an online survey, public comment periods, and open comments on the master planning website.
As required in state code, an Advisory Committee has assembled for the Mayo River State Park planning process. The Advisory Committee is involved at every stage of the master planning process, meeting three times to review and share ideas about park goals, programming, site design, and overall park master planning. The Advisory Committee includes representatives of key organizations and stakeholders in the region, encompassing a wide range of perspectives and representing the general public. Organizations include county and state officials, tourism boards, environmental organizations, civic organizations, neighboring landowners, and indigenous peoples.
Organizations represented in the Advisory Committee:
- Dan River Basin Association
- Henry County, VA
- Henry County Board of Supervisors
- North Carolina State Parks
- Martinsville-Henry County Chamber of Commerce
- Eco-Ambassador Council
- Southwestern Piedmont Master Naturalists
- Rockingham County, NC
- Sappony tribe
- Monacan Indian Nation
- Local neighbors
- Civic organizations